Home for the Holidays

Home for the Holidays

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

       How was everyone's Thanksgiving? Mine was like you'd expect from a loud. ginormous Greek family. Everyone was running around, screaming, laughing, and eating. But the best part of it all was being together again. It's sort of funny because it seems we used to see each other more when we had a larger travelling distance between us. Now that we are all only 15 minutes away from each other we never really see one another. It was nice to have everyone under one roof (and to be honest, I never thought I would miss the craziness this much).

     Although I do have to say, despite the craziness (including my uncle and his best childhood friend singing drunk) I would never trade these times with my family for anything else. There is nothing like watching Goosebumps with the younger kids in the basement, and playing American Trivia board games with foreign relatives.

   How did your Thanksgiving go? Do you have any fun Black Friday stories to share?

Leave me a comment in the box below telling me your Black Friday and Thanksgiving stories!!!