Tabby Fanfic (NCIS)

Tabby Fanfic (NCIS)
            As I exited the elevator and walked towards the door to Abby’s lab I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. I pulled out my cellphone and realized that it was just after 10:30 in the morning. I looked at the text message that she had sent me and realized that it had almost been a half an hour since I had received her ambiguous text message “Timmy, come to my lab as soon as you get here. I think I found something.”
            She was the only one that could ever get away with calling me Timmy; aside from my sister, of course. As I looked up, I saw that the door to her lab was closed, and that I had nearly walked into the door. “Abby?!” I called out knocking on the door. There was no answer, I couldn’t even hear music on the other side of the door.
            “Abby, are you okay in there?” I yelled just as an alarm sounded from inside her lab. “Abby?!” I yelled even louder, setting the Caf-Pow I had grabbed her on the ground and pulling out my gun. I attempted to open the door and found that it was locked. I stepped back and shot the keyhole on the door, breaking the lock and smashed the door open. I slowly walked into the lab with my gun drawn.
            “T-Timmy?” I heard a faint voice call out from behind Abby’s workstation. As I rounded the corner she was on the ground, clutching a bloody wound upon her chest.
            “Abby!!!!” I choked, dropping to my knees at her side. Her sweaty hair was pasted to her forehead; her normal gothic attire was covered in blood right down to her platform metal-plated combat boots. “What happened to you?” I croaked, removing my suit jacket and balling it up underneath her head. I then grabbed a towel from the table above her and nudged her hands away. The wound was gushing blood, but I used the towel to put pressure on the wound.
            “I was… I found something,” she whispered deliriously. “I knew you’d find me. You and Gibbs always know when something’s wrong.”
            “Abby, just relax, I’m here now,” I whispered fighting the tears that burned in my eyes. I kept the pressure on her wound with one hand and with the other I dialed 9-1-1 on my phone. “I need an ambulance to the NCIS building at the Navy Yard, we have an agent down!!!” I yelled as the officer answered. “We are in the forensics lab in the main building!”
            “Abby!” Gibbs yelled out from the hallway, he must have heard the alarm.
            “Over here, Boss!!! Hurry!” I yelled out, keeping the pressure on Abby’s wound.
            As he rounded the corner, all the blood drained from the older man’s face. “WHAT HAPPENED MCGEE?!” he yelled rushing to Abby’s side.
            “Sh-She’s been shot boss,” I choked as Gibbs waived my hand away to see her wound for himself.
            “Gibbs, please don’t be mad at me, I should have realized it sooner,” Abby choked between painful gasps of air.
            “Boss, the ambulance is on the way,” I said quietly and looked down at Abby’s side. There was another wound just above her hip. “Boss, there’s another wound.”
            “Abby, I could never be disappointed in you. You are like a daughter to me and I love you Abbs,” Gibbs whispered kissing her on the forehead. I stood to grab another towel for her second wound, and I felt the wind get knocked out of my chest.
            “B-boss,” I whispered as I felt another sharp pain and I looked down to see blood pooling on my shirt. I dropped to the ground and felt the air forcibly leave my chest for a second time.
            “Timmy!” I heard Abby cry out. “Gibbs, do something!”
            “Ab-Abby first, Boss,” I choked, blood dripping from the corner of my lips.
            “Don’t give up on me Elf Lord!” Gibbs yelled out as the room went black.
            When I awoke, I was in what I could only assume was a hospital room. I was attached to all kinds of machines and I could hear them register my heartbeat. I looked to my right and saw a curtain dividing my side of the room from another patient’s and I could hear their heart monitor alternating beeps with mine.
            I looked to my left to see Tony, Ziva, Palmer, and Brina asleep in armchairs. Ziva and Brina’s cheeks looked tearstained and it appeared as if neither of the four had slept in weeks. “T-Tony,” I painfully choked. All I could remember was that Abby had been shot. “Tony!” I whispered a little louder and he stirred.
            “Hey there McGee, how are you feeling? Well, besides the obvious,” he asked careful not to wake Ziva.
            “It’s bad isn’t it?” I asked causing a puzzled look to appear on Tony’s face. “You called me McGee.”
            “You gave us all a mighty big scare, Tiny Tim,” Tony said with a smile.
            “Where’s Abby?” I said, forcing my words out despite the pain.
            “Over here McGee,” said a familiar voice from the other side of the curtain. I looked to the side to see Gibbs quietly and carefully pull back the curtain. On the other side was an incapacitated Abby, fast asleep. Ducky and Luca were seated in chairs on the other side, as well as my sister Sarah.
            “Is she okay?” I asked fighting the tears that began to appear in my eyes. I could feel a sense of panic overcoming my body.
            “Yeah, thanks to you. If you hadn’t been there McGee, she would have died,” Gibbs said solemnly. Just then Director Vance, and a man in a long white lab coat entered the room.
            “Agent McGee… Tim… Thank God you are awake,” Director Vance said, attempting to disguise his worry with professional courteous.
            “Director, there’s no need to hide your concern, you’re family too,” Gibbs said sarcastically with a smile. I couldn’t help but laugh and as a result, a sharp pain shot up my chest.
            “Don’t make me laugh Boss!” I choked breathlessly trying to refrain from waking everyone up.
            “Hello Timothy, I am Dr. Vhorset, and I was your surgeon, as well as Miss Scuito’s. How are you feeling?” He said reaching his hand out to me.
            I attempted to lift my hand to shake his, and realized I couldn’t. It hurt far too much. “I don’t mean to be rude, but I can’t really shake hands. I feel like I was hit by a bus.”
            “Well, I would definitely expect some discomfort from someone who took three bullets,” Doctor Vhorset said wittily. “You need to rest.”
            “Just as long as someone keeps an eye on Abby and Sarah,” I whispered, feeling a wave of exhaustion come over me.         
            “We won’t leave her side McGeek, or yours,” whispered Tony reassuringly as I started to drift off to sleep.
            “And we already have a protective detail with your Grandmother as well McGee,” Gibbs whispered. “Rest.”
            When I awoke again, it was with a start. I was drenched in sweat. Ziva was sitting on the edge of Abby’s bed and they were talking. Then Abby turned and looked right at me and she burst into tears. “I am so sorry Timmy,” she cried.
            “Abby,” I choked. “This was not you.” I fought back the tears that formed in my eyes. “Don’t worry about me; I’m fine, just sore.”
            “McGee, you had us worried,” Ziva whispered, leaning forward and hugging Abby in a comforting manner.
            “You had ME worried, Abby,” I whispered. Whispering didn’t hurt as much as trying to speak with full volume.
            “What if I’d never gotten the chance to say any of the things I always wanted to, Timmy?! Like that I love you, and I always have loved you. Not love, but love love,” she cried.
            “Wait, what?!” I asked, my heart soared,
            “You heard me, Tim!” she yelled.
            “I will give you two a moment; I will go see the others in the family waiting room. The hospital staff set up a few cots for us to use because we all refuse to leave you two here alone. If you need anything, there are guards outside your door,” Ziva said with a smile, standing up and leaving. She closed the door behind her.  
            “Abby, when we tried… us… a long time ago, I thought you didn’t want to be with me, so I distanced myself. I thought you were just trying to let me down easy,” I whispered.
            “What are you talking about Tiny Tim?” she said looking genuinely confused.
            “I thought that you didn’t want to be with me. And they always say, when you love something let it go.”
            “Tim,that is the stupidest thing I have ever heard in my life.”
            “I love you Abby, I always have,” I whispered. She leaned her legs over the bed, grabbed her I.V. stand and shuffled over to me. I painfully moved over to make some room for her, and she climbed into bed with me.
            “Are you being serious Tim, this isn’t funny.”
            “Abby, I slept in a Coffin for you,” I said looking deep into her eyes and I kissed her.
            We laid in each other’s arms cuddling and whispering sweet nothings to each other. Before long, we fell asleep.
            When I awoke again, the room was dark, and Abby was nowhere to be found. I stood painfully and leaned against the walker that had been left in our room and opened the door. The guards Ziva had mentioned were passed out on the floor, their weapons missing. I looked over to the nurse’s station to find unconscious bodies of hospital staff all over the floor. I slowly and painfully made my way down the hall to the family waiting room where I found cots and chairs with the entire NCIS family fast asleep.
            I attempted to wake them up to no success. I went back to my room and looked in the nightstand to find my gun and my other personal belongings (which included the engagement ring for Abby I have been carrying around hoping for the day I could bring myself to propose). I stuck the ring in the pocket of my robe, I took a piece of IV tubing and tied my gun around my thigh with it, under the robe.
            It was then that I noticed a small note with my name on it. Scrawled on the piece of paper was the word “Morgue”. I shuffled my way down the hall and grabbed an access key card off of one of the unconscious bodies along the way. I stepped into the elevator, and hit the button for “Basement”.
            As the doors to the elevator opened on the basement floor, I quickly shuffled out, trying to make it to the morgue as quickly as possible. As I followed the signs, a sickening feeling came over me. As I approached the glass doors to the morgue, I saw the reflection of Abby, tied to an autopsy table. Standing over her was a man holding a gun. As he reached out towards her, I burst through the doors, staggering into a wall.
            “Let her go! Take me!” I called out.
            “Well look what we have here,” the man said with a chuckle. “A very not so special Agent Timothy McGee.”
            “Don’t touch him!” she yelled out.
            “Is this who you left me for, Abigail? I guess it’s time to eliminate the competition!” he yelled out, raising his gun to me.
            “If it was just about competition, then why did you shoot Abby in her lab?” I yelled to the man, waiting for an opening to attack him.
            “At first I blamed my dear Abby, but then I realized it was you who corrupted and tricked her.” The man yelled waving the gun around.
            “Maybe if you were a real man, and didn’t need a gun to kill a crippled man, she wouldn’t have left you!” I yelled out.
            “Why you little!” the man yelled out, throwing the gun to the side and lunging at me with a scalpel he grabbed from the smaller table next to Abby. I pulled out my gun and shot him twice.
            Abby screamed and I looked down to see the scalpel sticking out of my arm. I fell to the ground, and attempted to crawl over to Abby. As I reached the table, I pulled the scalpel from my arm and used it to slice off her restraints. She slowly and carefully slid to the ground next to me, careful not to disturb her own wounds.
            “Abby, rest, I’ll be okay.”
            “Shut up McGee, they are flesh wounds. Yours aren’t.” She wrapped my arm in a clean towel and held the towel in place until help came. As they lifted me up into a gurney, I turned to Abby and looked right into her eyes.
            I gave her a quick kiss and whispered ,”I don’t know if we will get the chance again, so just in case I want you to know that I love you and I never want to spend another moment without you. Marry me Abbs.” I pulled out the customized engagement ring I had made. It was a whitegold band with the words “Elf Lord and Abbs forever etched into it”.


            “Yes Tim!” she yelled… “YES”