The Hook and Emma Story Chapter One

The Hook and Emma Story Chapter One

     Once Upon a Time, in a land far far away, there was a world unlike our own. A world where our stories came alive. This place was called the Enchanted Forest. Snow White, Prince Charming, Red Riding Hood, Mulan, and every other fairy tale character who's stories guided us through our childhood years existed. They were real.

    But there was a Dark Queen by the name of Regina. She wasn't always dark and full of hate. At one point in her life, she had true love, and all the best hope for her future. But that was all gutted from her like a fisherman with a knife.

    Regina's mother Cora was just as dark as Regina had become. She had tricked a young Snow White into telling her about Regina's one love in this world... Daniel. When Cora had found out the truth she ripped Daniel's heart from his body and crushed it in front of Regina.

   Because of this loss, the loss of  her soul mate, Regina turned dark and cold. She wanted Snow to pay for telling her mother of her love and her plans to elope. She wanted Snow to fall. And to make the oncoming storm arrive, she enacted a curse. A curse that would hurl everyone into a town where they were forced to live as Regina willed. They were forced to live a life in which they could not know who they really were.

   Each and every person brought from the Enchanted Forest with the curse would be forced to believe that they were normal humans. That they were mechanics, deputies, and waitresses. They would be forced to live in Storybrooke, a town of Regina's design that had become their prison. She moved them around like chess pieces manipulating them to do her bidding.

   But Snow and Charming had prepared themselves for this. Their child had been sent through a wardrobe into our world to break the curse after her 28th birthday.


        Emma had succeeded, and the curse was broken. She had created a life with Regina (ironically enough, her son's adoptive mother), where they could both spend time with Henry. But after dark magic had been brought to Storybrooke with Pan, it was Regina's turn to make one final sacrifice. She had undone the curse once and for all and fabricated memories of Emma always having Henry. It was her gift to them. As Emma drove away, magic engulfed the town she had come to know as her home, and with it, all memories of its existence as well.


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Emma's POV ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


    "Henry!!! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled down the hall of our spacious New York apartment.

    "Coming!" he yelled groggily as I heard him hit the floor with a thud.

    "You okay kid?!" I yelled as I set the plates down on the table.

    "Yeah Mom!" he yelled. "I just got tangled in the blanket!"

    I heard his footsteps patter into the bathroom as I glided to the kitchen dancing to the radio. I set the toast and the salt and pepper down in the center of the table. He sauntered in and slid onto the chair.

     "Good Morning Grumpy" I said with a smile placing a kiss on the top of his head and rustling his hair.

     A sleepy "mmmph" was the only response I received.

     "Good Morning Mom! Thank you for the breakfast" I said jokingly.

     "Sorry Mom, I guess I'm still asleep," he said with a laugh.

     I brought over our glasses and sat down across from him. "So what do you want to do today?" I asked taking a bite of my scrambled eggs.

     "Can you pass the syrup please Mom?" he asked.

     "It's would you please," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

     "Why don't we go to the planetarium?" he said with a smile that touched his eyes.

     "Sounds like a date!" I said as three hard knocks rapped at my door.

     I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 9:00 am. I hadn't buzzed anyone in, and I knew we weren't expecting anyone.

     "Are you expecting someone?" Henry asked. He looked just as confused as I was.

     "Emma, please open up!" The person on the other side of the door yelled.

     I stood cautiously grabbing the baseball bat I kept near the door. and slowly unlocked the door. I tossed it open and gripped the bat tightly.

     "Who are you?" I asked. "And why are you dressed like a pirate?"

     "Emma! I found you!"he yelled as he pulled me closer to him and I cannot explain why, but I dropped the bat. This man, I knew him. I don't know where I knew him from, but I knew him, and he knew me.

     In seconds, as if one swift motion, he pressed his lips to mine. Images of a town far away, of a life that was lived before came into my mind. My mother and my father, who were the same age as me. Henry, I had given him away, he was raised by a dark queen, and he had been tricked and trapped by Pan. Two deep, fathomless eyes, attached to a man with a ruffled hair style. This man, in front of me. The man that had haunted my dreams for years...

   It can't be him. It was a dream... What would a world without Henry be? I would never give him up. I broke the kiss and pulled the man into the apartment. I slammed the door shut.

   "Who are you, and what do you want with me?" I yelled.

   "Mom! What's wrong, what is going on?!" yelled Henry standing from his place at the table.

   "Hello there, little Lad, it's nice to see this realm has been good to you," the man said.

   "Don't talk to him!" I yelled. "You aren't real! You can't be!" I yelled even louder, pinning him to the wall.

    "I assure you Lass, I am as real as they come. I was sent here to bring you home," he said with a sad smile. "Emma, there was a place far from here that you cannot remember, you trusted me. You may have even loved me, I don't know, you never said. But there was something there. I was sent by your parents to find you."

   "I don't have parents!" I yelled.

   "You know that is not true Love, you remembered. When I kissed you, you remembered. I can see it in your eyes. Give me one chance to prove that my intentions are pure," he said with a smile keeping his hand hidden.

   "Fine but show me your hands," I said blatantly.

   "Not until after you put this on, Love," he said with a smile handing me a necklace.

   "This is your proof, a necklace?"  I said full of doubt.

   "Just trust me," he said smiling. But that same sadness was in his eyes. Like he felt his own plan couldn't work.

   I took it slowly from him and began to put it on.

   "Mom!" Henry yelled as I hit the floor. Images... memories flew through my mind.

    The man before me, his name was Hook, and helped me save Henry, time and time again. Everyone felt he was a villain, but I knew otherwise. He had saved the town. He had saved me, time and time again. But this land was erased, it was no more.

    As I slowly opened my eyes again, the man... Hook, was kneeling over me. It was real, I had parents, parents who needed me. Henry, he needed his other mother as much as he needed me. This man, he went against everything this universe was telling him to come find me. He had visited me in my dreams every night for as long as I could remember. He was here.

  I pulled him closer to me and pressed my lips to his. And for a moment, the world stopped. I kissed him like the whole world depended on him. And for a few short moments, my whole world did. He made me believe, he made me remember.

  "Hook?" Henry asked. The question broke our kiss.

  "Lad?" he said looking over to him.

  "You came for us!!! You did it!" yelled Henry running over to him and giving him a hug.

   "One thing, your grandfather taught me," Hook said to Henry, "Is that those who love each other will always find each other. There is not a single person in this world, or any other for that matter, that I love as much as you, and your mother," he finished, looking deep into my eyes. " I will always find you, Emma Swan... Always."