Wolf Totem Feat. Jacoby Shaddix by The Hu

Wolf Totem Feat. Jacoby Shaddix by The Hu
Heya all you out there in Cyberspace!
As so many of you know, I absolutely love Papa Roach. However, one of my great passions has always been learning about different cultures. Before my dreams for myself drastically changed, I wanted to be an Anthropologist. One of the things that I had loved since one of my teachers had played for us the very first time was Throat singing across different cultures. As a long time metalhead, I was instantly drawn to the band The Hu when I realized that both of my worlds sort of collided in their music. I got to experience a new take on the throat singing with just the right touch of metal. Plus it doesn't hurt that Jacoby Made an appearance in this one. :D
I hope you all love it <3