The Hook and Emma Story: Part Three

The Hook and Emma Story: Part Three


    Quickly we started throwing what was left of our possessions into bags. I had noticed we didn't have much that we were attached to in this "life". Well, at least not many material possessions. The things that had meant most to us before we lost our memories, were nowhere to be found. They had been destroyed with the breaking of the first curse. 

   "Henry, my boy, I have a surprise for you. Something that you held dear to your heart before the curse was removed," Hook said smiling and I couldn't help but remain curious.

    "Wh-what is it?" Henry replied confused. 

    "It's a surprise so you must close your eyes and hold out your hands," said Hook smiling his devilishly sexy grin. 

     "Okay," Henry squeezed his eyes shut in hope and lifted his hands at chest level. 

     Out of the satchel at his side, Hook produced a large tattered book. One with stories inside, stories of Snow and Charming... my mother and father. It held stories of Hook, and even me. This would be perfect for Henry, it would help him have a link back to our home. I gave Hook a thankful smile as he placed it in Henry's hands. 

      Slowly Henry opened his eyes and his face lit up like the tree on Christmas morning. "H-how did you get this? How did it survive the curse? You are the best Hook! Really! You don't know how much this book means to me!" Henry yelled excitedly squeezing Hook tight in an embrace I had only seen him share with Neil. 

      "You can call me Killian, lad. There's no cause for formality here," Hook said wrapping his arm around Henry. I'm not sure, but as he buried his face in the top of his head, I think I saw him Kiss the top of Henry's head as well. 

      "Killian, aside from helping us get back to our family, this is the best gift ever," Henry said tightening the embrace.

      "C'mon boys, we have somewhere to go," I said giving Hook a wink. I grabbed a couple of our bags. Henry and Hook grabbed the last of our bags and carried them outside to my yellow bug. We placed them in the trunk. Henry hopped inside, and Hook came around to meet me on the driver's side of the car. 

        "Are you alright Swan?" Hook asked reaching to touch my arm. "This is a lot to bear in such a short time."

        "I'm managing," I whispered hoping that Henry couldn't hear me. The last thing I wanted was for him to think that I was uncomfortable. If I was uneasy, that would make him feel the same way. "H-Killian," I started.

        In an instant, he was cupping my face, and the hand which was the cause for his moniker was around my waist. He pulled me into him with one swift movement and kissed me deeply. He smelled amazing for a pirate. He smelled like the sea, and mint? The taste of rum was on his lips as his kiss turned more passionate. I reached my arm up and ran my fingers through his hair as he pulled me closer still... It was as if he felt he had to be sure it was me... 

       "Emma, I-" he started the moment the kiss broke. For the first time since I had known him, he looked honestly guilty.

       "Don't you dare apologize," I whispered pecking his lips. " I just got you back, I am not wasting any time I have with you." 

        "Is that so," he asked smiling a bit cocky. His hair still ruffled. 

       "I think we best be off," I said smiling flirtily as he turned to open the door for me. I pecked him one last time before entering the car. He carefully shut the door behind me and ran around to the passenger's side. He quickly hopped in. 

       "I know what you two were doing," Henry said without looking up from the book. 

       "Oh really, and what were we doing, Kid?" I said teasingly. 

       "You were kissing. I have wanted you two together for ages. But please, no mushy gushy stuff in front of me," Henry said pleadingly. And hook and I just smiled guiltily at each other as I pulled out of the parking space. 


~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Six Hours Later ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~


      We pulled up to a tiny little inn. We were about an hour and a half away from Storybrooke, and I felt it was best to return well-rested. It would be an emotional reunion and I wanted to be ready for any threats that may arise. 

     We checked in, and headed upstairs to our suite. There were two rooms, two bathrooms, a living area, and a tiny little kitchenette in our suite. Henry rushed off to his room with his bags so he could look at the book some more. "Don't stay up too late!" I yelled as he disappeared inside of it. 

     "He's gotten so big, it's hard to believe it has only been a year," Hook said looking in the direction of his room. 

     "You're telling me," I said with a laugh as I unpacked what little groceries we had brought. "It feels like he was just born yesterday, and at the same time, it feels like it's been ages since that day."

     "Are you sure you are alright?" Hook asked walking closer, he looked worried.

     "In Storybrooke, do they have their memories?" I asked worriedly. 

     "They do. I had left the Enchanted Forest far before this new curse had been enacted. That is why I wasn't affected. During my quest to find you, I was led back to Storybrooke. There, your entire family is waiting for you. They are worried I wouldn't be able to convince you to come back."

      "I have to tell you something, and I will only say it once, but never again so don't forget it," I said shifting. 

      "Okay," he said trying to keep his face blank of emotion as he braced himself.

      "I never really forgot about you. You were in my dreams each and every night, and I couldn't get you out of my head. When you kissed me, before giving me the necklace, it didn't make me remember everyone else, it made me remember you. And it scared me, because if I could forget someone who had impacted my life as much as you did, what else could I have forgotten. So I tried to push you away," I said and his face lit up. 

       "You remembered me, even without the necklace," he said standing.

      "I did, but I was scared," I said looking anywhere but at him. 

       He tenderly grasped my face and kissed me. "Emma, you are my whole world, you and your boy. You didn't choose to forget me, in fact, you fought so hard you hung onto the memory of me. Emma, I love you, and your family does too. They sent me because they knew I loved you and I would do anything to find you. Don't worry about what they may think of you. They know you, and who you are in here," he said pointing to my heart. "Even if you are still getting reacquainted with yourself."

     "Am I interrupting something?" Henry asked entering the room.

     "Not at all," I said with a smile. 

     " I think I know who cast the curse," Henry said with the most serious look I had ever seen.