The Hook and Emma Story: Part Two

The Hook and Emma Story: Part Two

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

So we never really decided what day this segment should be posted >.< Leave me a comment below and let me know what day you guys would like to see this story being posted. 

Soooo... Where did we leave off?


 "One thing, your grandfather taught me," Hook said to Henry, "Is that those who love each other will always find each other. There is not a single person in this world, or any other for that matter, that I love as much as you, and your mother," he finished, looking deep into my eyes. " I will always find you, Emma Swan... Always."


   I don't know how things could have gotten so wrong. I had a family, outside of Henry. All my life, I had thought that family was your mother and father, and brothers and sisters. I had thought that everything had come down to blood. I felt that because I had never had a "family" I couldn't give Henry one... But family is more than just blood. It is the people that make life worth living. It is the people that touch your soul so deeply, that it hurts to be away from them. 
   I had a family in Storybrooke. Not just Charming and Snow, but Ruby and Graham, and everyone else who's lives had been touched by the original curse. Even Regina, who gave up everything that mattered most to her to keep Henry and myself safe. Regina, the Dark Queen who felt as though nothing in this world mattered more than my Son... our son. He had forgotten her. Yes, some of the things that she had done needed to be forgotten, but not her all together. She had loved him and raised him, for all the time that I could not, I had given him away, And she gave me her memories, of every step, every laugh, and every tear. 
   I needed to reunite them. Henry was ours, not just mine. And Neil, he had never gotten to experience any of those moments because of me. I needed to get back to Storybrooke, I needed to be the savior, I needed to reunite all of them. Our whole family. 

   "Emma love," Hook said breaking my internal reverie. He set his hand gently on my forearm. I had been scrubbing one of the dishes from breakfast so hard I had broken it in half, and hadn't even realized it was broken, let alone the fact that it had cut me. 
  "Oh!" I exclaimed in shock."I'm sorry," I said turning off the water and wrapping my hand in a towel. 
  "For what, Love?" he said gently wrapping my hand tighter in the towel. "You are struggling, I can see that, but this burden is not for you to bear alone." 
   "Hook, I... I don't know how all of this could have happened. How I could have forgotten them, how I could have forgotten you. You came all this way against everything every fiber of your being was screaming at you. You came for us, you searched for us. How did you find us?"
   "Slow down, Emma, one question at time. I love you Emma, even if you aren't ready to hear it. I love you more than the moon and the stars, and the damn Jolly Roger (just don't tell her I said that). Besides, we had spent all of that time finding your boy, I wasn't about to let him out of my sight again," he said with a smile, cupping my cheek with his good hand. 
   "M-mom?!" Henry said coming out of his room holding his bag.
   "Yeah kid," I said. 
   "Is... is it alright if I still call you that?" Henry asked, his face looking a bit worried. 
   I dropped the towel to the ground and rushed over to him, paying no mind to the droplets of blood falling from my hand. "Of course Henry, I AM your Mom. Nothing would make me happier," I said with a smile. "But Henry, you have another Mom too, and I think it's time we went to see her."
    "Really?!" Henry yelled excitedly. 
    "Yeah, Kid," I said smiling. 
     "I really hate to break up this moment, but Emma you should let me bandage up that hand of yours," Hook said smiling. 
     "Hook, I knew you would find us!" Henry yelled smiling and running over to him. He embraced him in a tight hug, holding him close to his body. My heart soared. "You love my mom, I knew it! You broke the curse because true love always wins!"
      Hook leaned down and whispered something into Henry's ear. They were too far away for me to hear, but the wide grin on Henry's face said enough. 
    "Now Emma, your hand, unless you want it to end up like mine," Hook said with his cocky half smile that always sent my heart into somersaults. I walked over to him without saying a word and let him clean my wound. 
    "So what has become of Storybrooke since we left?" I asked cringing slightly as he dabbed at the cut with a warm wet towel.
     "Honestly Emma, you stare a bloodthirsty giant in the eye and never waver, but a bloody cut makes you cringe, I missed you," said Hook with the same cocky smile, but before I could speak, he continued. "When we returned to the Enchanted Forest, everything was in shambles. Everything but a new kingdom that had risen in our absence. Maleficent had come to power, bent on damning all those who had opposed her in the past. Eventually when she realized our spirits could not be broken she began plotting. During our time back in the enchanted forest, Regina, had fallen in love with her "Truest Love" Robin Hood, and they were soon married. Charming and Snow White are expecting as well as Aurora and Phillip are also with child. Eventually it was decided that she would not be able to break the will of all of us. When word broke that Maleficent was plotting to reenact the curse, I left. My heart could not stand the distance any longer. I came in search of you," Hook said matter of factually without raising his eyes to meet mine
    "Just kiss him, I'll look away," Henry said in a playful voice. 
    "Henry!" I playfully scolded. 
    "Mom, think about it. Since we've been here you haven't gone on a single date, or even looked at someone romantically. Yeah, every kid hopes that their mother and father will be the ones that get back together. But, I saw the way you looked at Hook the moment you saw him. You looked at him as though you remembered him, but you didn't know from where. You looked at him like he was the answer to all of your prayers. You looked at him like you loved him. I know what that looks like, I see Mary Margaret and David give that look to each other all of the time."
    "You are one brilliant little Lad, Henry. You really are," Hook said with a smile. 
    "So what do we do first?" Henry asked excitedly.
    Hook looked to me for the answer. "We, are going home, Kid."