Remembering Storybrooke

Remembering Storybrooke

Hey all of you out there in Cyberspace!!!


     Cordy here, here with the first story of the new year!!!


    As always beware of spoilers!!!





Emma's Point of View





     I was sitting at the kitchen table with Henry, eating the fresh eggs I had cooked. He and I had a wonderful life together, and I do not begrudge him a single bit. However, ever since the day I had been left behind by Neil, I feel as though something is missing in my life. Companionship that can only be given by a man of my own age.

    It made absolutely no sense at all. I had never had a real man in my life (Henry's father does not count). Why should I yearn for one now?

    Just then, I was shocked out of my inner reverie as three loud, rough knocks pounded on the door.

    "Who is it mom?" asked Henry in a sleepy daze about to wear his "over easy" eggs.

    "I don't know yet kid," I said lovingly ruffling his hair. "I know you're tired, but did you see me get up and check yet?" I added with a laugh.

    "Very funny mom," he said with a laugh.

    "I thought so too," I said with a smile standing up to answer the door. "Finish up or we will be late."

    I glided over to the door just as one of our favorite songs began to play on the radio show we listen to every morning. I began to sway my hips back and forth, making Henry laugh as I pulled open the door. On the other side of the door stood the sexiest, most attractive, most sad, man I had ever seen in my life but something weird snapped inside of me. I knew this man, but I had no idea from where.

   "H-hello," I choked.

   The moment he looked up and realized he was where he intended his face lit up. "Emma, love, I finally found you!!!" he exclaimed gripping my cheeks between his cold hand and even colder... hook? He pulled my face to his and kissed me.

    Suddenly a feeling I had never known before washed over me; love, dependence, fear, and the urge to run. But then as he deepened the kiss memories flooded into my mind. Memories I was never sure were true. Memories that weren't just dreams.

    We were supposed to be in Storybrooke, we were supposed to be with Regina, the woman who had raised Henry when I could not. The woman I had begun to love and defend like my own family. I had given up Henry, I had found my family and perfected it for Henry. This man standing before me... "Hook" I believe. I loved him, but Neil came back. But I chose Hook and never got to tell him.

    As he released the kiss, I staggered backwards. The full power of the memories washing over me. The memories of the dark queen, Regina doing anything in her power to protect my son, our son. The fact that this man before me risked his life to save my father, and mother, and my son. The enormity of it all causing a single tear to slide down my cheek.

    "M-mom?" Henry asked confused. He must've felt the same thing, come to the same realization as I.

    "I'm here sweetie," I rushed over to hold him in my arms, Hook standing bewildered.

    "This isn't real," Henry said.

    "It is, but because Regina, your mom gave up everything for us," I whispered pulling him close to me.

     "I didn't know how else to..." Hook said, worried and furious with himself for attacking Henry's mind with such memories as he turned to leave.

     "No," Henry said pulling his wrist.

     "Why are you here? What has my mother done?" Henry asked.

     "She does not know she was ever your mother, lad. All of that evil you healed within her has come back, and I feel it is time we show her how good she can truly be. The love of your mom here, and her ability to forgive and help heal Regina saved us once. Maybe you two can help save her, and the rest of us again," Hook said with a smile.

      "Hook-" I started. "I never got to tell you," I fidgeted. "Before Regina broke the curse, I never got to tell you that I." I struggled to find the words.

       " No need love, that kiss said it all."