Once Upon a Time Fanfic One

Once Upon a Time Fanfic One

This Once Upon a Time fanfic takes place just upon returning to Storybrooke from Neverland. 

It is from the point of view of Captain Hook. 


     Three Days... three days we had been back in Storybrooke. For three days Emma had barely said three words to me. She had lost her parents, then found them, and lost them again. Snow White, the rightful queen had elected to stay behind in Neverland with her Prince Charming, abandoning Emma once more. 

   Her one real chance at happiness was rekindling the wayward relationship she had built with Baelfire before he disappeared this second time. He cursed himself internally for kissing her and potentially damaging any chances she may have with him. She loves him, and he her. It was one thing to claim her for himself when he believed Baelfire to be dead and something completely different to try to keep her from her soul mate when he was waiting with open arms. 


   As I walked back to my ship (more like skulked) I couldn't help thinking of the way her lips tasted, or the way her body wrapped perfectly with mine. After Milah, I never thought I would ever love someone again. The sick part in all of this is that the one person I have come to love since then, I cannot have. This would only happen to me, the damned Captain Hook. 

    As I reached the dock the Jolly Roger seemed to rock more than it should, as if someone or something were inside. I drew my sword from it's place at my side and readied myself to attack. I slowly crept on deck and into the cabin, never lowering my sword or slowing my pace. 

    As I stepped quietly and carefully through to my personal quarters, I never lowered my sword or slowed my pace. Just as I entered my personal quarters the door slammed shut behind me. I spun around, dropped my sword, and gripped the throat of the party responsible in one swift action...


    It was the last person I ever expected to see. . .  Emma. 

    "Hook," she choked. And I released immediately.

    "Emma," he choked in response releasing her. "Emma, luv, I am so, so terribly sorry."

    "Hook," she gasped trying to catch her breath. 

    "What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your boy, and Baelfire, or Neil, whichever he goes by now?"

    "He and I are finished. He left me."

     "What the bloody hell is wrong with him! He had you, he said he loved you. You share a child!"

    "He left when I told him I choose you, when I told him I loved you"

    In that single instant, he felt his heart soar. He scooped her up into her arms and pressed his lips passionately to hers. Their lips devoured each other's as their souls became one. He took his time and explored her mouth, claiming it as his own. This kiss was far more powerful than the quick, hurried kiss they'd shared before. This one filled with promise and hope, their last filled with fear of the other's rejection. 

   "Were you leaving?" she breathed trying to catch her breath when their lips finally parted. 

   " I was going to let you be happy, with him. I was  going to remove myself from the picture," I choked. "Besides, there was no real place for me here."

    "I could always use a new deputy, Hook," she said with a wink. "Besides, your place is here, with me and Henry. Plus, Henry would love having a pirate as a dad."