Stepping Back In

Stepping Back In

Hey, all you out there in Cyberspace!

It's Cordelia. 

I know I have been having a really hard time with posting regularly again. This past year has been such a huge mess, I don't even know how to begin to update you guys. It seems like at every little corner, everything was falling apart and I just wasn't sure how to make sense of things. Behind the scenes, and offline, while struggling with my health I have been working on new plans to help rebuild and relaunch the site fully with a full group of staff members to help keep things going. This has been a huge endeavor, and to be honest, I wasn't really sure I would be able to make something like this happen, despite how badly I wanted to. With any luck, over the next few weeks, you will begin to see so many new and exciting new features added to the site as well as some fun, new content creators. 


I hope you are all doing well, and I can't wait to start interacting with you all again!

~Love Cordelia