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Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

    Cordy here,
    I know it seems like I have been seriously slacking in the blogging area of this site, but I assure you, I am online daily. I am constantly updating and working on the site. As soon as all of this is finished and the sites are fully functional, I promise I will get back to my daily posts.
   So what are you all up to today? I am currently trying really, REALLY hard to finish my homework, so I can go check out the Hearthfire DLC my boyfriend bought me for Skyrim. It's just so hard to focus on something so frustrating. I just need to hurry because the sooner I finish, the sooner I can start to do the fun stuff.
   What are all of you doing for Thanksgiving? I am going to be bouncing back and forth from my house, to my boyfriend's and then back... This will prove to be a very interesting night... Well hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving and Black Friday!!!
