Making Progress

Making Progress

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!


It's me, Cordelia. 


How are all of you doing today? Despite having a particularly rough few weeks I am surprisingly doing pretty well today. This morning I woke up and felt like It was time to do my best to just get as many of my "to do" items done as possible. Lately, I have been struggling so much with all of the different things in my life that I just decided that today I was going to work to control the things that I can control. I feel like lately so much has happened that it became so hard to just take care of simple things that should have been done months ago like basic chores and packing up things from loved ones that are no longer with us.


Today, with the help of my fiance we actually got a desk set up so that we can work on our computers without having to scrunch over a tv tray table or worry about rushing to pack up our computers as soon as we were done using them because we didn't have a dedicated space to keep them out. Today I also worked on some exciting new designs for our merchandise store. We are hoping that soon we can begin to advertise on our new Facebook page so we can start raising money to put towards launching our own product line. 

We are hoping that by starting our own product line and being able to create more content for the site we can begin to make this community our only focus instead of splitting our attention in so many different directions. I hope that moving forward we can make this a reality so that we can keep moving forward. 

Right now, as I type I am realizing that it is 10:43 PM here and I still have to finish up tons of laundry so I think I am going to sign off for tonight. However, thank you for taking the time to visit us and I hope that you are all healthy, safe, and mostly sane despite everything going on in the world right now. 

Sweet dreams!

<3 Cordelia