Story Time With Cordelia Poll

Story Time With Cordelia Poll

Hey all of you out there in Cyberspace!!!

Cordy here,

  I feel like I am forever apologizing to you guys. I know that the posts have been kind of wimpy lately, but I am working on a few projects to make this site thrive. I am working to try and find more writers and create regular segments for the site so hat we always have a column ready for you to read. I love you guys and thank you for being so patient and understanding.

   Right now I am working on creating a regular segment for Story Time With Cordelia. I was thinking About starting a story that I will add on to every Tuesday night. It will be a FanFiction Story. However, I can't quite decide on what characters / story path it should take. Here are five story ideas that I have and I would love for you all to vote on which you would like the best.

1. Lucinda: One Upon a Page

    Lucinda wasn't like other girls her age; she had no friends, she had no family, and she barely had a house (but it was certainly no home). All her life she'd been picked on, excluded. She was nothing but the "orphan girl" and every person around her treated her as if the loss of  her parents was contagious. She may not have been one of the popular kids, but she was brilliant. She didn't have much in this world, but she had her love of fiction both on page, and film. She didn't want to believe that the characters were fake, she didn't want to believe that the only people she could relate to in this world were products of a creative mind. So she built a machine to make them as real as can be.

2. Once Upon A Time : Hook and Emma's Story

  After the curse is broken for good and Hook returns to Emma, how will he convince her he is real? How will he convince her that they had something special in the making, that her parents are waiting for her and Henry, and that Regina is Henry's mother too? Will Hook and Emma finally be together? Or will the return of her memories send her running into Neil's arms?

3. Bones: The Hodgins and Angela Story

  We all know how Jack and Angela met, working at the Jeffersonian. Brennan had given Angela her first steady job in her entire life, and with it came a whole new family... and her future husband. Now, Hodgins and Angela are married with a second baby on the way. How will they handle their new life together? This story is a fluffy romantic story about the Hodgin's Family. Christine, Brennan, Parker, and Booth as well as the rest of the "Squint Squad" will appear regularly as well.

4. Doctor Who: The Doctor Duplicate and Rose Tyler Story

 Have you ever wondered what Rose did with her life since The Doctor left her with his clone? This story will be about the life that the Doctor Duplicate and Rose start to lead together once They are stranded in the parallel world with Pete and Jackie.

5. Warehouse 13: The Pete and Myka Story

Have you ever wondered what it would be like if Pete and Myka finally got together? Would they share the same room at Lena's or would they live across the hall? Would they move out all together? Would they retire from the Warehouse? Vote for this story to find out :D

Can't wait to see what you guys Vote for !!!