Fun Times

Fun Times

Hey all of you out there in Cyberspace!!!

        Cordy here,

So what have all of you been up to? I know I have been really shitty about updating as regularly as I would like to, and I totally apologize for that. That is all MY bad. After this week of school, and next week's finals, I will be FREE (for three weeks) and I will have all the time in the world to work on the sites. Although I haven't been so great about posting, I hope you all like the new changes to the layout and design :). Where that is concerned, I can honestly say I have been busting my ass. I was thinking about starting a "Game time with Cordy" but I am not sure if I am quite up to the task. I think that that is a project that would best be created during my break. Do you guys have any fun suggestions for the blog? Is there any thing new YOU would like to see?

Leave me a comment and I'll read it, leave me a question or suggestion and I will definitely respond :D

Cordy out!!!