Story Time with Cordeia

Story Time with Cordeia

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace,

      Cordy here,

Many of you have been asking me why I don't write my short stories anymore. Well truth is, I do. I just found myself in a situation that really just made me want to give up on sharing my short stories. Someone I cared about a lot and trusted more than anyone else stole my work and claimed it as their own. However, now I am finally willing to open up that part of myself again. I am pleased to announce that I will be starting a third and final blog called Story Time with Cordelia. As all of you know my pen name has been Cordelia for years. All of my stories and poems and even just my thoughts have been held in for two long, and I am more than happy to share them with all of you. I just want to thank all of you for following me around with the various blog shifts and changes. I want to thank all of you for putting up with me through the years and I jsut hope that these new blogs are what you have come to expect from me.

Thanks again for your continued support.

~Cordy out.