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New News

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!


     When we are younger, we all look at the world and see nothing but innate beauty, mystery, and all the best hopes for our future. 
     Our whole childhood is built on the idea that we will grow up, go to college, and get our dream jobs. But nothing has ever prepared us for the day that we realize that this is not how things will happen. We are never prepared for the day that we discover that all our dreams are out of reach, and too hard to achieve. We are never prepared for the day that we find that our dreams are just dreams. 
     Our society is built to cultivate brilliant young minds, milk those very same minds, and then toss them aside like an empty carton. You cannot survive in our world without money or power; but you need money and power to achieve both of those things.  What happens when we come to understand and realize the true nature of this absolute ultimatum. What does it mean for those of us who are left behind and cannot bring ourselves to make the choice between who we are and who we want to be?
     I thought I had finally achieved the perfect balance between the two; but as we all know, time makes fools of us all. I had finally gotten a job that I thought would help move me in the direction of building a real career. This was until I found out that the job and the stress that came with it was legitimately making me sick. 
     Now I am left with the decision of whether or not I want to quit or keep this job. I don't want to, but I sort of need to; without traffic it is an hour's drive away, between working there, working on my AVON stuff, running the eBook store, working on the blog, and school work I have only been getting an hour's worth of sleep a night. I am quickly realizing that I have stretched myself a bit too thin. 
     In all honesty, I might just try and find a part-time job to pay my bills and then work to let my businesses grow. I don't know to be honest. It will just take time to make up my mind. 
I hope everything is well with all of you!!!!
~Cordy Out