Hello Again!!!

Hello Again!!!

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

      I cannot believe it has been almost half a year since I have posted here on the main blog. I've gotten pretty good about posting on Facebook, and keeping up on the other aspects of our community, but I need to start doing better about not neglecting the main website. 
     This past year has been complete and utter chaos. My crazy ass neighbors that lived above me finally moved out, and now we actually have people who resemble normal humans living above us which is nice. 
      I started a new full time job in February (which is part of the reason I have not been able to post here on the main site as much), which takes up the majority of my time. When I am not working there, I have been focusing on trying to expand the Cordelia Cross Community. 
     Ever since eBay told us we cannot sell our digitally delivered eBooks on there any more we have been trying to find a way to sell our books online in a way that does not compromise the legal regulations on digital goods, 
     I just wanted to let those of you who DO read the blog know that we are still here and that we still care about you guys. Thank you so much for all of the support over the past few years, and Like us on Facebook to keep up with us, or even to just to say hi. 
Thank you,