:) Hello Again

:) Hello Again

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace,

It's Cordelia,

     As some of you may know, high school was a pretty difficult time for me. I spent most of my time in and out of the hospital and not enough of it in class. Yeah, I kept my grades up and I worked hard, but it's different when you aren't actually in the building surrounded by your friends.

     Because of the struggles I'd faced (and because they wanted to hold me back a year solely because of attendance) I dropped out, got my GED, and started college early. It wasn't my ideal plan, and it wasn't exactly what I'd wanted for myself either. The moment that anyone sees that I have my GED instead of a diploma, I get treated differently. It's like they think I wasn't educated as well, or that I'm some kind of "homeschooled hermit".

     First off, even if I had been homeschooled, the GED exam holds all students to the same high standards. This means that everyone is getting the equal opportunity for education and recognition of that same level of education. I had to work really hard and teach myself a lot of things. I didn't actually have a teacher to turn to with any questions because my teachers were my books.

     But I digress; I didn't mean for this post to be an angry rant about my past experiences. When I left high school I sort of dropped off the face of the earth. I got a full time job, I worked my butt off with online classes and I did everything that needed to be done so I could grow and become more successful.

     Yeah, it was a huge struggle. I stop writing for a while. (If you are one of the select few on here who knows me in real life, you know how crazy that is for me). I barely slept or ate, I was always either working or studying. I lost touch with some of my closest friends, I became a totally different unrecognizable person.

     That is, until recently. Someone came into my life who showed me that while change is inevitable, you cannot lose yourself through those changes. If you do, one day you WILL look back on all you've lost and be filled with regret.

     So ever so slowly I'm starting to find my way again. I'm done constantly giving in and throwing my own thoughts and feelings aside blindly. I'm slowly finding my way and once I finally do find it, I will not back down and let myself fall to the point I was at a few months ago.
