

Hello to all of you out there in Cyberspace,

    My name's Cordelia, and I am one of the biggest nerds any of you will ever meet. Since I was in diapers I have been playing Zelda. But to me, it was never just a game. I used to tumble across the floor and pretend to be Link. I used to attack my family members with paper towel rolls yelling out "YA! AI! EEEP!" just like Link as he swings his sword. Even as I got older, my obsession didn't falter.
   I have all of the songs from Ocarina of Time and Majora's mask on my phone and iPod, I have heavy metal versions of the songs as well (By ArtificialFear and FamilyJules7X on youtube). I have a pin with the three hearts on it on my badge at work and a shield shaped mint tin I keep at work with me. I even used to sing the Clock Town song and the Nocturne of Shadows to my baby cousins as lullabies to the point where my obsession passed on to them.
    Now my four (almost five year old) cousin takes gymnastics so that he can learn to flip like Link. He has a Link Costume and stuffed animal. We got him a Nerf bow and arrow, a Nerf sword, a plastic shield we painted and sealed to look like the Hylian Shield. And we pretend to be Gannon and Link sword fighting while his two year old brother jumps on the trampoline in the basement (which is enclosed in a net) pretending to be Princess Zelda locked in the crystal.
    We even watch Wnivre's walkthroughs without voiceovers as movies during quiet time, and I read them Hyrule Historia and the cheat code books as bedtime stories.
   The funny thing is, this doesn't even come close to encompassing my nerdiness. I play Dungeons and Dragons online and tabletop with the guys from my old highschool. I'm obsessed with super heroes and even play Injustice, Marvel Heroes, and DC Universe Online.  Not to mention I can barely put Skyrim down.
    And here's the real insight to my nerdiness, I love Star Trek AND Star Wars. You would have to be a total nerd like me to understand how entirely sacriligeous THAT is. I can't wait to see the new ones coming out soon. But they will never beat the originals with Qui-Gon Jinn or Will Shatner and Leonard Nimoy as Kirk and Spock.

What is your guilty pleasure or nerdy obsession? Leave me a comment or an email and I will definitely get back to you.
