Technical Malfunctions...

Technical Malfunctions...

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

       Cordy here, with something that is going to make you laugh... your ass off. As some of you may already know, I go to school online. Well, currently, I am in an advanced programming class and struggling quite a bit. For a perfectionist like me, the grades I have been receiving were less than satisfactory. So, last night while retaking notes from the reading for the fifth or sixth time, it finally "clicked" I was soooo excited I emailed my teacher telling him that I finally understood the material. About a half an hour later, the virtual lab (which is like a desktop that runs through cloud with all kinds of different programs for you to use) shut down.
   After numerous calls to tech support and frustrating conversations with my school advisor... Nothing. I just keep getting told it is due to the blizzard in my area. I want to cry. Can't I just catch a break that doesn't involve a broken bone???
     Luckily, I was able to contact my professor and he expressed his understanding. But still, it is far harder than I would like to admit. I am FUMING.

    REALLY?!?!?! Couldn't it have chosen a better time to crap out on me? Like last week when I wasn't getting a single thing??? No... It has to choose now.... ugh...

Just my luck...

~Cordy Out.