First Post of the New Year

First Post of the New Year

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!
      Cordy here,

      Happy belated holidays, and New Year to each and every one of you.

      I know it has been awhile since I posted. I am truly sorry about that. Because, as all of you know... I'm a total asshole. So how were everyone's holidays??? Mine were great... interesting... but great. My crippled ass just spent five hours at the hospital today because I thought it was a good idea to go build a snow fort with my sister in the front yard at midnight... into three am... All I have to say is that my broken foot was totally freaking worth it.

    One good thing about this whole broken foot situation is that I get a chance to catch up on my reading. In the past few days I have gone through the first six books in the Vampire Kisses series by Ellen Schreiber. I love her, she is one of the best authors on the face of the planet. She is one of the first authors I have read in a long... long.. time that don't make us goth kids seem like useless pieces of sh*t.

    And yes people, I just censored myself because I recently found out that my mother... AND my grandmother both read my blog... together. Do you know how much it freaking sucks to get lectured by your grandmother, on how unlady like it is to speak like my truck driver grandfather??? Not fun at all.

That's it for now...

 Leave me a comment telling me how you spent your holidays. :D

Cordy out...