Check out Tall Freak :D

Check out Tall Freak :D

Hey all you out there in Cyberspace!!!

Cordy here,

Everyone has that one special talent, or dream that they are just petrified to share with the world. Something about themselves so personal, so dire, that they can't bare (or is it bear?) to share it with anyone who knows them. But when you find someone to share it with, you feel so great about your situation and your dream because it starts to come alive.

An old friend of mine from high school wants to be and artist, he wants to show the world what he can do, but he needs a little bit of encouragement. A few things have been getting in the way of his work and he is feeling kind of down. Check out his site and tell him exactly what you think of his work. Give suggestions, comments, thoughts. Even requests. I assure you, he will be grateful for them.

Here is his site:


~ Cordy out