Where Roses Weep

Where Roses Weep

In shadows deep, where roses weep,
A tale unfolds, in darkness steeped.
A beauty fair, a beast so dire,
A twisted dance of fate's cruel lyre.


Beneath the moon's pale, mournful gaze,

The petals fall in somber haze.

Yet in this gloom, a spark remains,

A love that thrives despite the chains.


A beauty once, with grace untold,

Now trapped within a castle cold.

Her visage marred, by curses cast,

A haunting echo of a beauty past.


The beast, a creature of the night,

With fur as black as endless fright.

His eyes, two orbs of endless pain,

Reflecting storms, a torrential rain.


Within the halls, where silence reigns,

The beauty walks in ghostly chains.

Her voice, a whisper in the breeze,

A symphony of shattered pleas.


Yet in her eyes, a flicker burns,

A flame that in the darkness yearns.

For in the heart of this abyss,

A beauty finds her silent bliss.


The beast, with claws like daggers sharp,

Hides secrets in the shadows dark.

A tortured soul, a shattered frame,

A creature cursed, a beastly name.


Together they waltz in the midnight gloom,

A dance of doom, a love that looms.

For in their union, shadows twist,

A tale of beauty and the beast.


The roses wilt, the moon descends,

As darkness to their fate extends.

A tragic beauty, a love profane,

In the heart of night, they both remain.